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NáNá's Book's

A place that i can express my love for books :)

BookTubeaThon 2014! - TBR


So, today I'm going to show you my TBR for the BookTubeaThon!


This BookTubeaThon as various challenges that we have to do, so I am atempting to win some of them:


 - Read a book with red on the cover 

 - Read a book that another person chooses for you 


For this to challenges I/my mom choose:


The Prestige, by Christopher Priest


 - Read a book of a genre that you didn't read as much this year


I choose: 


, by António Nobre

Quadras, by Fernando Pessoa


 - Read a book that turn in to a movie


I choose: 


The Last Song, by Nicholas Sparks


- Read a book with pictures


O menino que não gostava de ler, by Susana Tamaro


 And I added this book to the mix:


Night's in Rodanthe, by Nicholas Sparkes


The final challenge is to read a minimum of 7 books. I only have six here. I don't know if I will get to the 7.. Will see!